Apr 23 • Peter Malliaras

Central pain processing and Achilles tendinopathy

There is lots of debate about the pain mechanisms, particularly if there are central changes, in Achilles and other tendinopathies. Most studies in the literature use proxy measures of central sensitisation like pressure pain threshold away from the painful site, Other measures like conditioned pain modulation have been investigated less frequently. In this episode of talking tendons I discuss a huge new study investigating CPM in Achilles tendinopathy with some interesting findings and implications.

Hope you enjoy!

Link to paper:

Mkumbuzi, N.S., Mafu, T.S., September, A.V., Posthumus, M. and Collins, M., 2021. Conditioned pain modulation is not altered in recreational athletes with Achilles tendinopathy. Translational Sports Medicine, 4(1), pp.147-153.