Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)

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Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)5th of November 2016

Hip strength, that knee valgus stuff, and Achilles tendinopathy

The blog this week focuses on a study that investigates the link between hip neuromuscular function and Achilles tendon pain.

Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)5th of October 2016

Muscle and Tendon Adaptation during Adolescence

This week we focus on a paper looking at the interplay between the development of quads muscle and patellar tendon tendon properties among adolescent volleyball players and controls over a year.

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Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)10th of September 2016

Isometrics vs isotonics for inseason patellar tendon pain

This weeks blog focuses on a new RCT by van Ark et al. that compares isometrics vs isotonic rehab for in-season athletes with patellar tendon pain.

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Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)28th of August 2016

Are pathological Achilles tendons 'weak'?

The blog this week focuses on a study investigating whether pathology influences Achilles tendon strain during a single leg jump.

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Tendinopathy Updates (FREE)14th of August 2016

Risk factors for plantar fasciopathy / plantar heel pain

The blog this week focuses on a systematic review of risk factors for plantar fasciopathy by van Leeuwen et al.

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New evidence about the subcutaneous Achilles bursa - should we care?

The blog has evolved to a fortnightly format. The main reason for this is that my balance of academic work has changed, aka I have a real job now! The blog this week focuses on a study that sheds light on the potential role of the subcutaneous bursa in insertional Achilles tendinopathy...


Return to sport considerations after Achilles tendon rupture

The blog this week focuses on a recent systematic review that examined return to sport after Achilles tendon rupture. Not surprisingly, there are a significant proportion that do not return to sport at the same level.

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Most popular Tendinopathy Blogs of 2016, so far!

To mark 6 months of the blog let’s take a look back at the 3 (actually 4) most popular posts of 2016, here they are:.....

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Single leg standing considerations for gluteal tendinopathy

The blog this week focuses on 1 cool study looking at weightshift and standing kinematics in gluteal tendinopathy.

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Keeping it simple during rotator cuff tendinopathy rehab

Great blog this week. A rare foray into the upper limb with a look at an interested RCT by Christ Littlewood and his group from the UK.

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Read this to understand jump biomechanics in patellar tendinopathy

The blog this week focuses on one of my favourite topics; jump biomechanics in patellar tendinopathy – this time investigating the effect of fatigue, with some very relevant and interest take to clinic messages.

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A clinical guide to PRP injections for tendinopathy

This blog this week focuses on the use of platelet rich plasma (PRP) in tendinopathy.

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